IDACT 2.1-10

June 28, 2017

INSIGHT DLP is pleased to announce the immediate release of IDACT (INSIGHT DLP Appliance Control Tools) version 2.1-10. This release provides a few feature enhancements along with some stability improvements for INSIGHT DLP Appliances running IDACT v2 ONLY.

NOTE: Symantec DLP 14.5 and better is not supported on IDACT v1.x Appliances and some early versions of IDACT v2.x. Please contact support if you are running IDACT v1 or have any concerns about the version you are running. To quickly check, log in to your Enforce or a Detection server (not the appliance itself) and run:

cat /etc/redhat-release

If the output indicates CentOS 5 then Symantec DLP 14.5 or better will not run.

NOTE: This will NOT upgrade your DLP release. This will update the underlying OS and IDACT software. Instructions for updating Symantec DLP on the INSIGHT Appliance are available in the Administration guide for your applicable version. The latest version of these documents are available within the support portal. 

The support matrix for the Appliance and Symantec DLP has been updated and posted to the portal. Please check this file before performing any DLP upgrades as an upgrade to an unsupported DLP version may invalidate your support agreement.

Upgrade IDACT version
This will update the Appliance, Enforce, and all running Linux detection servers on the Appliance. Log in to each INSIGHT DLP Appliance and navigate to Device List. Click [Update] under System Management. Alternatively log in to the Appliance via SSH and issue the following command:


This will update the system to the latest version available of IDACT. 

NOTE: If the Web UI does not start after the update, log in via SSH as appuser and run



Obtaining Support
If you require technical assistance with this issue, have any questions, or require further information, please contact the INSIGHT Support Team at or via


INSIGHT Support Team

Change Log

IDACT 2.1-8
* All
-- Updated serial number output
-- Moved to rsyslog7 (issue #45)
- Enforce
-- Updated backup script for more sane paths

Appliance UI 1.1.35
- Added serial number to CLI and GUI
- Fixed weak SSL usage (issue 47)


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