Customers notice that they are automatically logged out of the SDLP Enforce Web Console (UI) after 30 minutes of inactivity and receive the message: "Your session has expired and you will be logged off".
SSH to the Enforce server as protect user:
1. Navigate to /opt/SymantecDLP/Protect/tomcat/webapps/ProtectManager/WEB-INF/
cd /opt/SymantecDLP/Protect/tomcat/webapps/ProtectManager/WEB-INF/
2. Modify the file web.xml and increase or decrease session-timeout:
vi web.xml
3. Save and exit the file (to exit VI use colon and the letter lowercase x)
4. Also, Navigate /opt/SymantecDLP/Protect/config/
cd /opt/SymantecDLP/Protect/config/
5. Modify the file and increase or decrease model.lockserver.locktimeout:
# The lock timeout.
# Defines the maximum time in milliseconds that a lock may be held on a data object.
# It recommended to set it at least to the same length as the Web session timeout.
6. Save and exit the file (to exit VI use colon and the letter lowercase x)
7. Restart the Enforce server or Restart the Vontu Services
To restart the Enforce server SSH to Enforce as appuser and issue:
sudo shutdown -r now
To restart Vontu services SSH to Enforce as protect user and issue:
/etc/init.d/VontuIncidentPersister stop
/etc/init.d/VontuManager stop
/etc/init.d/VontuMonitorController stop
/etc/init.d/VontuUpdate stop
/etc/init.d/VontuNotifier stop
/etc/init.d/VontuNotifier start
/etc/init.d/VontuUpdate start
/etc/init.d/VontuMonitorController start
/etc/init.d/VontuManager start
/etc/init.d/VontuIncidentPersister start