INSIGHT DLP Rebranding as Infolock INSIGHT DLP Appliances

July 23, 2018

This notice is to inform all INSIGHT DLP Appliance customers that as of July 20, 2018, the INSIGHT DLP brand and line of DLP appliances will be rebranded as the Infolock INSIGHT DLP Appliances under the Infolock brand name. (Note: INSIGHT DLP has always been a wholly owned subsidiary of Infolock, and all appliance development and support activities have been and will continue to be performed by the DLP experts at Infolock.)

As part of this rebrand, please note the following:


  • Your support agreement and hardware warranty remain valid through the end of their current terms. Upon renewal, your support certificate will be updated with the new branding.
  • The terms and conditions of your support agreement and hardware warranty remain unchanged, and you will continue to use the same methods to access the support team as are currently in place.
  • Going forward, the support portal, support documentation, and all other documentation and communication templates will feature the rebranded logo and color scheme.
  • The team of support engineers providing support for your appliances remains unchanged. Going forward, however, we will refer to them as Infolock Support instead of INSIGHT DLP Support.
  • The next update of the IDACT operating system (IDACT 2.1-16) for your current appliances will include a logo and color change for the user interface. (The server bezels and boot screens will not be updated.) Any appliances that you purchase in the future will feature the new branding.


We will send a separate announcement with further details regarding the next IDACT update. In the meantime, please contact if you have any questions or concerns.


Infolock Support Team



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