This article is to address the issue of Detection Server stuck in "Starting" state with "Excessive File Restarts" errors due to Derby Database Creation issues, after upgrading DLP.
1. First, reboot the server to recycle the services. After upgrade it is recommended to reboot the server to ensure the services come up correctly.
2. If issues persists, reviewing FileReader logs. If in file reader logs you see:
Derby SQL Error: Failed to create database
Use the following fix:
1. Stop the Detection Server Services
As "protect" user
sudo service SymantecDLPDetectionServerService stop
2. Delete the Derby Database (/var/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/DetectionServer/15.5/scan/catalog)
rm -rf /var/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/DetectionServer/15.5/scan/catalog
3. Restart the Services
sudo service SymantecDLPDetectionServerService start
Log in to Enforce console and verify that Detection Server is now "Running"
Reference article (referring to only deleting "DetectionServerOpertionalDB" file within .../catalog directory)